A Journey to the Land Beyond the Forest

Welcome to my journey to Transylvania and the 7th International Workshops of the Drama Schools of the ITI-UNESCO Chair of Theatre and Culture of Civilizations in Sinaia, Romania. While there I will be attending several conferences, directing performances of Ibsen's Ghosts and Euripides Medea, and presenting a paper entitled "Unlocking the Mysterious Disease of Ibsen's Ghosts to "Generation Y""

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Happy July 4th 2006

The American delegation was honored by the ITI-UNESCO Chair by a surprise birthday party for America in our villa. Earlier in the evening he approached me sternly and told me what time he wanted us in our villa. We met at the arranged time and we were surprised by a lovely cake with the American flag in it and we all sang the national anthem for him. It was such a special surprise, a gesture of friendship and kindness that I will never forget.