A Journey to the Land Beyond the Forest

Welcome to my journey to Transylvania and the 7th International Workshops of the Drama Schools of the ITI-UNESCO Chair of Theatre and Culture of Civilizations in Sinaia, Romania. While there I will be attending several conferences, directing performances of Ibsen's Ghosts and Euripides Medea, and presenting a paper entitled "Unlocking the Mysterious Disease of Ibsen's Ghosts to "Generation Y""

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Back on the Bus !

Well, so much for the dancing. We had a great time but it was time to depart for Bran's Castle and on to Brasov. Interesting sites to see on the road. I eoad in the seat behind our driver and spent much of this day deep in converstaion with Mihaela. The pictures show rural scenes and life in Romania.