A Journey to the Land Beyond the Forest

Welcome to my journey to Transylvania and the 7th International Workshops of the Drama Schools of the ITI-UNESCO Chair of Theatre and Culture of Civilizations in Sinaia, Romania. While there I will be attending several conferences, directing performances of Ibsen's Ghosts and Euripides Medea, and presenting a paper entitled "Unlocking the Mysterious Disease of Ibsen's Ghosts to "Generation Y""

Saturday, August 05, 2006


The first week of our trip was spent on the road, on the bus, and seeing so much of Romania we needed a break. The day we left Bucovina the Vila Andreea packed us lovely lunches. After many hours of riding towards Bran’s Castle we took a breather at a roadside café or in American-speak A ROADHOUSE. The roads are tough and so are the refreshments. The label in English means Bear Beer. After a few the dancing began. Here is a photo of the American delegation teaching our friends the Chinese delegation the Macarena. A good time was had by all. Even the Romanian grandmother came out for a look and gave us a big smile. Here is an example of roadside iron art, and these are some of the road hazards.