A Journey to the Land Beyond the Forest

Welcome to my journey to Transylvania and the 7th International Workshops of the Drama Schools of the ITI-UNESCO Chair of Theatre and Culture of Civilizations in Sinaia, Romania. While there I will be attending several conferences, directing performances of Ibsen's Ghosts and Euripides Medea, and presenting a paper entitled "Unlocking the Mysterious Disease of Ibsen's Ghosts to "Generation Y""

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Romanian World War I Cemetery

As an artist much of my work concerns the horrors of war. I had learned of this cemetery and took the time to locate it. Here in America we tend to think of the wars as being fought "over there". It is an eerie feeling to stand in a cemetery where men fought and died. Standing in that cemetery I realized that there is no "over there" and that I was standing where men like myself fought for their survival. When asking Mihaela about the battles she said "Yes, here in this lovely valley and these breath taking mountains people have fought and died, one generation after another". Standing in the cemetery all sound seems to cease, even the songs of the birds. Several of the crosses have photographic images of the dead etched upon them. Another monument has poetry in Romanian inscribed upon it about the United States Airmen that died in the skies of this lovely valley and mountains.